On July 1st Nolan and I packed our bags and headed to the hospital. This time around it was a lot less stressful. We knew when Blake was coming and were prepared. Where as with Riley we had a surprised C-section. So Friday bright and Early we headed down to Banner Gateway to welcome this new lil' boy into this world.

This is me in the Pre-op room. I handled everything very well but I will tell you I started having a panic attack about at this point because it actually hit me that I was going to be cut open again! A little scary if you ask me. Thank goodness I married a wonderful man that kept calm the whole time. I love Nolan so much. He literally is strong where I am weak :)

The c-section went well and everything went according to plan. Blake was born easily he had a knot in his cord but thankfully he was a c-section. He had a full head of hair an barely cried. He was born weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces and 20 inches long. Funny story though my CRNA was a guy I went to HS with. Weird to have someone you went to HS with see your bare bum among other things. LOL He was very professional though.

This is Baby blake and Me in our hospital room. I can't believe how little he was especially compared to Mr. Riley. Nolan and I kept calling him our lil' peanut. They gave me some medicine right after the surgery and it made me very loopy so to anyone I said crazy things to I do apologize.

Daddy and Baby Blake hanging out. Nolan seemed so much less scared with Blake. With Riley we were both so afraid he might brake but I think after the first one you know they are pretty durable. :)

Welcome our little Peanut to our family. We are so glad you decided to join us!