Yes thats right the Palmers purchased another vehicle. Some of you may think Riley is too young for a car since he doesn't have a license yet or anything but Nolan and I couldn't resist. :) Thank goodness this one is a tenth the size of a REAL vehicle and a fiftyth of the price.

We found this cute walker Jeep Renegade online and had to get it. Riley loves it. He pretty much loves anything with moving parts. It so fun watching him put on his serious face when he's trying to figure out how things work. Man my lil' man is growing up so fast!!!

This is my happy big boy! I just can't wait til he learns how to get speed in this because it will be quite the site seeing him chase after our furry family members.

I was trying to teach him how to drive stick. This is his serious face. I love it!!!
We are now officially "farmers"

Like every spring Nolan and I planted our garden for the year. We are so excited to grow our own plants. For Christmas my parents gave us these awesome garden boxes that not only look nice but also keep the plants watered. Above is a picture of our watermelon plant planted from seed. yay!!!

Here is our red leaf lettuce. Wow if you can't garden attempt lettuce because it almost always grows and you'll use it for sure all the time.

Here is the whole garden box. We have lettuce, green beans, bell peppers, cucumbers, watermelon, corn, jalepanos, tomatoes, strawberries, and spinach all growing within our two boxes. Wish us luck!